In 1978 Digital Dopey visited Leh and rented a room at a family in Sankar village.
Digital Dopey stayed there for two weeks and had a lovely time with the family.
The landlady, Lobzang Chorol, provided food and salty buttertea during his stay.

In 2017 Digital Dopey returned to Ladakh with a quest, finding the family with who he stayed in 1978.
See the story below.

First I want you to notice the changes in the area between Leh and Sankar

1978 The (empty) fields

2017 The urbanisation

In 2017, together with his wife Kala, he walked from his hotel to Sankar village.
It didn't take long to find the old house.
Now they had to find the old landlady.

1978 - The house in the shade

2017 - The same house

*Note that the tree on the left and the stone behind are still the same as 39 years ago.

While standing in front of the house they saw three old Ladakhi ladies talking to each other.
Kala and Digital Dopey approached them and showed them the photos he made 39 years ago.
None of them recognized the lady and her husband on his photos.
Disappointed Kala and DD walked away but then they noticed a tree and a rock
that were still at the same spot as on his photo from 1978 with the house on it.
We walked back to the old ladies and asked them who's house it was on the photo.
One of the ladies answered that it was hers and that her daughter was living in it.
That's how we found back Lobzang Chorol, the landlady from 39 years ago!

In 1978

In 2017

She took us to her new house where we were treated with Ladakhi delights and a cup of salty butter tea.
Later, in the evening, we returned and visited her daughter in the old house and also met Lobzang's husband.
It was a very heart-warming experience!

1978 - Lobzang and her husband (A German girl inbetween)

2017 - Lobzang with her husband

- See all photos of Lobzang's family in this slideshow (click to see)-

Digital Dopey's next quest was at Sankar Gompa, where he also made photos in 1978 .
He wondered if he could still find any of the Lama's who were on his photos, well, he did.
Only one was still present, now 81 years old.
See the photo of 1978 (click to see), he's on the right side in the back, you can hardly see him.
But you can recognize him by his eye.